Wednesday, June 17th at 10:30pm mommy's water broke and daddy took her to the hospital. They were so excited that the moment was finally here! But they really had to practice their patience because I was not born until 37 1/2 hours later on Friday just before noon.
Daddy helped the midwife deliver me by pulling me out and putting me on mommy's chest! He also announced to her that I was a girl and he seemed so shocked! I was a great surprise because everyone told mommy and daddy that I was going to be a boy.
Yes, my eyes are open and I'm taking it all in! And yes, I have lots of hair too! It's so peaceful here being skin to skin with mommy. I guess she was pretty tired after almost 3 hours of pushing.
The day after I was born, a professional photographer came to my hospital room to take pictures of me for mommy and daddy to have as keepsakes. It was perfect timing because I was getting ready to go home in my very first little outfit!
Today I'm 3 days old and it is Father's Day. Mommy wanted to give me my first sponge bath so I wo9uld be all clean to take a picture with daddy. What a great Father's Day gift, huh?